Golf Ball Display Case - Premium for 8 Golf Balls #1Golf Ball Display Case - Premium for 8 Golf Balls #2Golf Ball Display Case - Premium for 8 Golf Balls #3

Golf Ball Display Case - Premium for 8 Golf Balls

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Product ID HH-8-golf-ball-display-case
We searched high and low to find the best golf ball cases available, and this one certainly fits the bill. Case features a solid wood, hinged front door that locks to protect 8 of your golf balls and comes in your choice of 4 wood finishes and 10 suede matting colors. Also features U.V. conservation glass which protects your golf ball from 97% of damaging U.V. rays. Your golf balls will rest on wood shelves that match the finish of the exterior of the case on the outer edge and are covered in the suede backing of your choosing on the top and bottom. Handmade in the U.S.A. and PGA quality!

Price: $209.88
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