Display Pocket Watches

It's All About Vintage Pocket Watches!

The Display Experts at Fine Home Displays have come up with some new and creative ways to display pocket watches.

how to display a pocket watch; pocket watch display dome
Doesn't this glass dome look fabulous?

I especially love these vintage time pieces because they remind me of my family history - grandfathers and great grandfathers who carried pocket watches....and a Dad who kept them around, usually hidden in a drawer somewhere. Isn't if funny how these wonderful objects that we hand down from generation to generation carry with them beautiful family stories and memories? That's one of the reasons why we've made it our mission to help people decorate their homes with these family treasures. We know family is important to so many people - and it's important to us too.

pocket watch display case; how to display a pocket watch
Glass domes are nice, but this customizable
display case is amazing!
When I was a kid, I always loved to find them in my Dad's drawer and take them out to look at them. Such fascinating little pieces of machinery that each tell their own story. As a kid, I would often make up stories as I was holding one of these time pieces. I would wonder about all of the places that pocket watch had been, and how many appointments, dates and events my great grandfather and grandfather had been on time for (or maybe late for, if they were anything like me!), using that watch.

how to display pocket watches, acrylic stands for pocket watches, brass stands for pocket watches
Whether you choose simple acrylic or beautiful brass display stands -
Get that pocket watch on display!

If you've got one of these...or a few of these...laying around in a box, hidden away in drawer, you owe it to yourself to let it see the light of day. Take it out, hold it, open it up and wonder about how your ancestors may have used that watch. And when you're ready, instead of putting it back in that box and hiding it away again, get a display for it. Once it's out in your home, share those wonderful stories with your friends and family. I know I'm glad I did!

» It's All About Vintage Pocket Watches
Glass Pocket Watch Domes - Wire Hook 3" x 4-1/4" H

Glass Pocket Watch Domes - Wire Hook 4" x 7"

Pocket Watch Display - 3" x 4-1/4" Dome with Stand

Pocket Watch Display Dome - 4" x 7" with Brass Half Arch Stand

Pocket Watch Display Dome - Four Watch Display

Pocket Watch Stand - Arched Walnut
